The l’International Irish Red Setter Club meeting was held in on Friday 1 March 16, 2018 at the
Hôtel du Clos de Mutigny , Chaussée sur Marne.
The meeting began at 18.30.
Attended at the meeting:
- for Argentina: Mr. Federico CATTANEO;
- for Denmark: Mr. Frank KROYER;
- for Finland: Ms. Outi KOSTAMO HAKULI;
- for France: Mr Jean Pierre GOTTI, Mr. Claude BEUCHERIE; Mr. Ludovic IUCHS
- for Germany: Mr. Bernd GIMBEL;
- for Ireland: Mr. Raymond O'DWYER;
- for Italy: Mr. Angelo BRISA, Mr. Massimo LORENZI;
- for Switzerland: Mr.Guido ORSAN;
- for Ukraine: M. Anatoliy GOLUBECHENKO.
M. Chris Faltsetas came as a representative of the Greek Pointer & Setter Club and had asked to participate to the meeting. As no prior official communication has been received from the Club of Greece, Mr Falsetas is authorized to attend the meeting as a non-voting participant. Secretary of the meeting ; Cesare Maurizio VALVO.
1. Comment on the results of the European Championship on Snipes 2017 in Ireland
2. Organization of the second edition of the European Championship on Snipes
3. Organization of the European Championship on Grouse in Scotland
Vice Président
4. Modification of the rules of the “Spring” European Championship
5. Membership in IIRSC of the Austrian Club
6. IIRSC resigns from the San Marino Club
7. Letter from the Club of Sweden
8. Letter from the Club of Finland
9. Profit and loss account at 31.12.2017 - Membership fees of 2018 member clubs
10. Organization of the European Championship of Practical Hunting 2018 - Italy
11. Any other issue
Item 1. ODG
President O'Dwyer thanked all those who have accepted the invitation to participate in the 1st
European Championship for Irish Setters on Snipe, organized by IRSC and held in Ireland in
November 2017 in the localities of Athlone and Moate County Westmeath.
The event was a great success thanks to the sponsorship of the famous Connoly's Red Mills dog food company.
Under the initiative of IIRSC and brilliantly organized by IRSC, the President has received many
positive reports and congratulatory messages from enthusiasts from all over Europe.
Everyone present congratulated President O'Dwyer on the perfect organiation of this important event, which had a worldwide impact.
Item 2. ODG
President O'Dwyer advised that the IRSC Board is proposing to hold the European Championships on snipe in Ireland every two years, so the second edition will be held in 2019.
Attendees agreed whit this proposal, also considering the costs and the commitment of traveling to Ireland.
Item 3. ODG
At the request of some enthusiasts, President O'Dwyer informed that he has verified the possibility of organizing a European Championship on Grouse.
The ideal country to host this type of Championship would be Scotland, because of the density of Grouse present there. However, there are some issues related to the fact that the English Kennel Club is not a member of the FCI and so there are ongoing discussions about the possibility of organising this event.
Item 4. ODG
Vice President Gotti informed the meeting that some bureaucratic problems have arisen in
obtaining the Cacit for the European Spring Championship by some countries.
The Italian ENCI, for example, has decided not to grant the CACIT for breed competitions of breed organised abroad. Similar problems have occurred with the Dutch Kennel Club.
Gotti proposes to modify the Rules of the three European, Spring, Practical Hunting and Snipe
Championships by leaving each organizing Club to bring into play the CACIT of their country.
SIS Club President Brisa took the floor to express his opposition to President Gotti's proposed change to the rules. After voting, it was decided to modify the rules of the three European Championships as proposed by President Gotti with only one vote against Club SIS.
Like last year, Brisa proposes to organize, when it will be Italy's turn, the European Spring
Championship in Italy and the European Championship of Practical Hunting in France.
After an in-depth debate during which it is reaffirmed that the Rules provide for the possibility of organizing, following a decision of the IIRSC Council, the Championship in another member State, provided that the presence of wild partridges has been demonstrated.
This is not currently the case in Italy, where the last editions of the Championship, organized by
Club SIS, took place on partridges released for the occasion. This proposal is therefore rejected, with only one vote favorable of the Club SIS.
Item 5. ODG
Secretary Valvo announces that the application for IIRSC membership has been received by the Official Austrian Race Club. The request is accepted unanimously.
Points 6. ODG
Secretary Valvo announced that he has received the notice of the resignation as a member of the IIRSC by the San Marino Club, which no longer has Irish Setter working dogs. The Council noted this.
Point 7. ODG
Secretary Valvo informed that a request for information has been received from the Swedish Club on the possibility of joining and collaborating with IIRSC. We are waiting an official membership application from the Swedish Club.
The Swedish Club has also announced that Mrs Agneta Anderson is not a member and does not represent the Club of Sweden.
Point 8. ODG
The Secretary of Valvo announced that he has received a communication from the Finnish Club
announcing the membership of the Finnish four British bred Club to the IIRSC. The president of the Irish Setters section, Mrs. Outi Kostamo Hakuli, was representing the Club at the meeting.
On behalf of the entire Council, President O'Dwyer warmly welcomed President Outi Kostamo Hakuli and gave her the floor.
Ms. Outi Kostamo Hakuli intervened by greeting everyone present. She provided interesting
information on the organization of the 650 member Finnish Club and the state of the breed in
Point 09. ODG
Secretary Valvo presented the IIRSC's economic report as of 31.12.2017 whose revenues
correspond to the contributions paid by the Clubs of Argentina, Belgium, Denmark, France,
Germany, Ireland, Italy, Holland, Switzerland, Ukraine, for the year 2017 .
At the end of the meeting, the Clubs of Argentina, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Ukraine pay their contribution of € 50 for the year 2018.
Point 10. ODG
Club President SIS Brisa announced that the third edition of the European Championship of
Practical Hunting will take place on 29 and 30 September 2018 in the locality of Ceresole' Alba,
in the province of Cuneo, in the Piedmont region.
President Golubechenko asked Club SIS to evaluate the possibility of organizing 3 days of
competition. SIS Club will send, as soon as possible, the detailed programme of the event to all Clubs.
Point 11. ODG
Frank Kroyer took the floor to offer his availability to manage the IIRSC website. The Council
unanimously welcomes and inviteed President Gotti to send to our friend Mr. Jacques Mathieu the most sincere thanks of all the Member Clubs for the important and qualified work done so far in the creation and management of the IIRSC website. In the absence of other topics, the meeting ended at 20:00.
Secreary / Président
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(Cesare Maurizio VALVO) ( Raymond O'Dwyer )